Leadership Development & Executive Coaching Firm in Roanoke, Va.

Episode 54


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Do you ever feel like an imposter, posing as a leader? Do you have a lot of intentions for something you plan on doing but not as many results as you had hoped? Do you think in a couple of years, you will have more self-confidence and be a better leader, spouse, parent, friend, etc. Please join Jeff Smith and April Armstrong, Founder of AHA Insight as we tackle these types of questions. We will explain our philosophy, share our coaching cases and tips for you to design the life you are looking to live.

April H. Armstrong is author of the new book, The Day One Executive™, hitting Kindles everywhere soon. The book helps aspiring and seasoned executives alike raise their game starting on Day One. April has helped dozens of technical organizations succeed with high-stakes projects and initiatives valued at more than a billion dollars. She rose through the ranks in a large entrepreneurial consulting company, by attuning to market needs and delivering value. She built a multi-million dollar business area helping government and business executives navigate the “people” side of large-scale strategic change. Her book identifies distinguishing attitudes and behaviors of top executives based on her experiences working closely with hundreds of executives over a 25 year career, interviews with executives, and research on executives.”